HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. 9th may 2017
- Plataforma Tecnológica Española del Hidrógeno y de las Pilas de Combustible PTEHPC. M. Maroño. CIEMAT. HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- HYACINTH. HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase. M.Jaen. CNH2. HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- HYACINTH. Context Analysis: Projects and Policies related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. D. Sopeña. CIDAUT. HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- HYACINTH. Hydrogen acceptance in the transition phase (HYACINTH): Design of the study. R. Sala and C. Oltra. CIEMAT. HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- HYACINTH. Aceptación pública de las aplicaciones de las pilas de combustible de hidrógeno en Europa. R. Sala and C. Oltra. CIEMAT. HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- HYACINTH. Informe de aceptación de las tecnologías de hidrógeno y pilas de combustible en “Stakeholders”. G. Alcalde. CNH2. . HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- HYACINTH. Hydrogen Acceptance in the Transition Phase. SAMT Workshop. HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- Análisis de las preferencias de los individuos en relación al despliegue de infraestructuras de hidrógeno. D. Sopeña. CIDAUT. HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- Asociación Española del Hidrógeno – AeH2. M. Peña. AeH2. HYACINTH Workshop in Spain. May 2017. Madrid (Spain).
- Soziale Akzeptanz von Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen-Technologien. U. Schneider. Fraunhofer ISI. Gesamtteam-Treffen Cluster Brennstoffzelle BW, Fraunhofer ISE. March 2017. Freiburg (Germany).
- HYACINTH, HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase. Public and stakeholder acceptance of FCEV. M. Jaen, L. Rodriguez, G. Alcalde. CNH2. EFCW 2017, European Fuel Cell Car Workshop 2017. March 2017. Orléans (France).
- HYACINTH, HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase. M. Jaen. CNH2. Programme Review Days 2016, FCH 2 JU. November 2016. Brussels (Belgium)
- HYACINTH, HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase. M. Jaen, L. Rodriguez, G. Alcalde. CNH2. EERA Conference 2016, European Energy Research Alliance. November 2016. Birmingham (U.K.)
- European R&D actor expectations of hydrogen fuel cells for transport, heat and power. Prof Paul Upham, University of Leeds and Leuphana. Presentation for ILMO/SYKE. November 2016. Helsinki (Finland).
- HYACINTH, HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase. M. Jaen, L. Rodriguez, G. Alcalde. CNH2. E2KW 2016, Energy and Environment Knowledge Week 2016. October 2016. Paris (France).
- HYACINTH, The public acceptance of Hydrogen Fuel Cell applications in Europe: results from a seven country survey. C. Oltra, E. Dütschke, M. Lores, R. Sala, U. Schneider, P. Upham. BEHAVE 2016 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency. September 2016. Coimbra (Portugal).
- HYACINTH, HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase: Support & Coordinated Action. G. Alcalde, CNH2. Ciclo de Conferencias del CNH2. July 2016. Puertollano (Spain).
- HYACINTH, HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase: Support & Coordinated Action. M. Jaén, L. Rodríguez, CNH2. ECOS 2016 International Conference. June 2016. Portorož (Slovenia).
- The social acceptance of Hydrogen Fuel Cell applications in Europe: Results from a seven country study. U. Schneider, Fraunhofer. SENIX Conference. June 2016. Stockholm (Sweden).
- HYACINTH, Hydrogen Acceptance IN the Transition pHase. D. Esteban, CNH2. World Hydrogen Energy Conference, WHEC 2016. June 2016. Zaragoza (Spain).
- Hydrogen Acceptance IN the Transition pHase, HYACINTH. D. Esteban, CNH2. Programme Review Days, FCH JU. November 2015. Brussels (Belgium).
- Analysis of the general public and stakeholder awareness and acceptance on hydrogen technologies. D. Esteban, CNH2. European Hydrogen Energy Conference, EHEC 2014. March 2014. Seville (Spain).