- Project Title: “Hydrogen acceptance in the transition phase (HYACINTH)”
- Project Aim: The objective of this project is to achieve a greater understanding of the social acceptance of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and applications at European level, to develop a tool to facilitate the product development and market introduction being better aimed to the target audience, giving better response to the expectations and deducted the risks or barriers to their acceptance.
- Period Time: September 2014 – May 2017
- Call: FCH-JU-2013-1
- Topic: SP1-JTI-FCH.2013.5.3: Social acceptance of FCH technologies throughout Europe
- Funding Agency: Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
- Administrative File: 621228
- Budget: 999383 €
- Funding: 661584 €
Work Packages:
– WP1 ” Project management” is running through the whole life of the project and it is where all coordination and management activities are done: meetings, reporting, deliverables, day to day work. The webpage design and development is here included.
The technical WPs (WP2 to WP6) are planned in a sequential way as follows:
– WP2 “Context analysis”, is aimed to gather information that could be useful for the rest of the WP. WP2 is divided in three tasks: the first one about projects and policies in Europe that could affect and be useful for the analysis and interpretation of the results (WP5) and to feed the toolbox (WP6); the second task, gathering the information of stakeholders that are going to be contacted to carry out the interviews and the questionnaires (WP4); and the third one is focused at looking for all the past projects, studies or activities related with public awareness and acceptance of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies that could affect the methodological design of the study (WP3).
– WP3 “Methodological design” of the studies, one for the general public and another for stakeholders. This WP includes the design of the questionnaires to be implemented in the Data Collection (WP4). Instructions and protocols would be developed in this WP too, to be used also in the WP4.
– WP4 “Data collection”, with three parts: personal interviews with stakeholders, on-line questionnaires for selected stakeholders and a general public survey. The obtained information will be collected and processed to be used in the data analysis and interpretation (WP5) in two parts: the online questionnaires (stakeholders) and online surveys (general public) on one side and the stakeholder interviews on another. For the on-line questionnaires, the implementation of both questionnaires is included in this WP4.
– WP5 “Data analysis and interpretation”, will analyze the information gathered from WP4 alongside with information from WP2 to obtain two studies: one for the general public awareness and acceptance of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and the second one for the stakeholders awareness and acceptance. The information obtained will feed the information treated in the toolbox (WP6).
– WP6 “Development of management toolbox” is aimed to present the final results of the project: a social awareness report and a toolbox, or specific software database to show a response for the criteria that would be selected like the perceived relative advantage of the technology, the perceived compatibility with existing values and practices, the perceived simplicity and ease of use, the “trialability” and observable results. The toolbox should help stakeholders to better communicate or target their products or services.
– WP7 “Dissemination”, as well as the WP1, is running the entire life of the project. The aim of the WP is to engage stakeholders in the project and in the use and spreading of the results of the project (the two studies and the toolbox).