13/09/2016 News

hyacinth-logo-headPublic acceptance of hydrogen fuel cell applications in Europe: the effects of sociodemographic, lifestyle, self-identity, and attitudinal variables.

Hyacinth results have been presented in the international congress Behave 2016(4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency), Portugal.

Behave 2016

Source: University of Coimbra

Behave 2016 aims to bring researchers and practitioners involved in end-use energy efficiency to share recent research, new technological developments and best practices on understanding and influencing behaviour related to energy efficiency. Research on behaviours associated with energy use plays a fundamental role to achieve a more sustainable energy system, in face of challenges such as security of supply, climate change and evolution to the smart grids.

More information about the Congress:


If you want to know more about our Project, visit https://hyacinthproject.eu/, or contact maria.jaen@cnh2.es to share your experience and ideas.



The HYACINTH project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU) under Grant Agreement Nº621228.