02/08/2016 News

Next October 28th -29th, Paris (France) will hold the Energy and Environment Knowledge Week Congress –E2KW-. This congress is designed to be an international multidisciplinary event planned to discuss and present cutting-edge research in energy and environment in all possible fields of study. The event will feature prestigious researchers and the collaboration of leading companies in the application of energy efficiency measures.E2KW_photo01

The overall purpose of HYACINTH project is to gain a deeper understanding of the social acceptance of hydrogen technologies across Europe by combining specific qualitative and quantitative methods and samples of European citizens and stakeholders. A communication on HYACINTH project has been accepted in this E2KW and preliminary results will be explained.

More information about the Congress: https://congresse2kw.uclm.es/.

If you want to know more about our Project, visit https://hyacinthproject.eu/, or contact maria.jaen@cnh2.es to share your experience and ideas.



The HYAlogo-FCH-JUCINTH project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU) under Grant Agreement Nº621228.