01/12/2016 News

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaken (FCH 2 JU) has held the Programme Review Days 2016, on 21st to 22nd November, 2016. During these two days 100 projects were presented in 6 panels covering cross-cutting, energy and transport in research and demonstration activities. This Forum has been a clear demonstration that the JU model has resulted in effective collaboration between research and industry, it has enabled effective participation of SME and many very significant technical advances have been made under the programme.  Up to 2016 there is a cumulative funding of 1,316 M€: 638 M€ from FCH JU and 678 M€ from partners, that means that the industry and research groups’ members have committed 3.5 times the amount committed by the FCH JU for the period 2014-2016 throughout 200 projects. These two days highlighted the need to develop a broader information, education and dissemination activities with potential to build political and societal support.

Mrs. Maria Jaén Caparrós, HYACINTH Coordinator, presented the project progress and the results obtained in the surveys and interviews carried out around seven European Countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Norway, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom) on awareness and attitudes of stakeholders and general public towards fuel cell hydrogen technologies (stationary applications and FCEVs). The presentation is available at the project website.

More information about the Programme Review Days: https://www.fch.europa.eu/page/EVENT-programme-review-days-2016

If you want to know more about our Project, visit https://hyacinthproject.eu/, or contact maria.jaen@cnh2.es to share your experience and ideas.


The HYACINTH project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU) under Grant Agreement Nº621228.